WARANGAL: Sleuth Task Force arrests a fake doctor Mujtaba Ahmed and his assistant D Santosh Kumar here on Wednesday and confiscated the RS 1.90 lakh in cash, one laptop, lab equipment and three cellphones from them, said Warangal CP Dr. Tarun Joshi in Here on Wednesday.
Joshi told reporters that Ahmed, who came out of the B.Pharmacy course, worked as a local doctor assistant for several years. “But he was not satisfied with his salary and wearing a role as a doctor. He bought a fake MBBS certificate from AIIMS, and established a hospital health care pharmacy in 2018. He used to do a test with the help of Santosh Kumar, a laboratory technician and care for patients. He also usually refers to critical patients to other hospitals and get a large number of commissions from the hospital, “said CP.
In the last four years, he took care of nearly 43,000 patients in his clinic,” Joshi said and added that the inspector of the Naresh Kumar and Venkateshwarlu task force was under the additional supervision of DCP Vaibhav Raghunath Gaikwad had arrested the defendant after they received tips on fake doctors. The defendant had been handed over to the Police Mills Colony for further investigation.